My Meal Plan Goals for September

My Meal Plan Goals for September

My goal for September is to cut down on our grocery budget and that really starts with a solid meal plan. Right now we way overspend and and throw out too much food. I’ve talked before how I meal plan when I’m spontaneous in this post but it doesn’t always work now with a kiddo.

So here’s my game plan:

  • Shop mainly at Aldi – (I was going to say EXCLUSIVELY at Aldi but a brand new Central Market opened up in my neighborhood and I know I won’t be able to stay away ;))
  • Make mix and match meals – for every meal we have a protein, starch and veggie or 2. I made a list for each so I can pick and choose what to make just by looking through the lists.
  • Make meals that can become other meals – Beans and rice that can become chili that can become chili dogs, etc. Beans are easily repurposed, as is shredded chicken.
  • Be flexible – I’m trying to keep all the meat frozen and be proactive with fresh produce. Our plans change quickly and sometimes the dinner I have planned doesn’t work out. Instead of being wasteful, I try to make sure the ingredients can be reused.
  • Have ready at 6pm – This isn’t as much a money saver as it is just practice if I’m ever on Chopped and have to work in time constraints. 😉

Since I love to cook, I have to remind myself WHY I cook – to share it with others and to create something I’m proud of. So that being said, here are some things I’m also keeping in mind.

  • Frugal doesn’t mean cheap – I can still save money without sacrificing quality.
  • Don’t be afraid to share – Yes I’m trying to save money but I never want to hesitate to invite someone to our table as a result.
  • Leave room for creativity – I love trying new recipes and I know there’s room for that, I just have to plan for it! It’s less spontaneous when it’s planned but it allows me to still be creative in the kitchen. Yes, I could make spaghetti every night of the week and spend almost no money, but my creative spirit would definitely suffer!

So what are your priorities when meal planning? Leave your tips in the comments!