Behind the Scenes with a 2 Month Old

Behind the Scenes with a 2 Month Old

Baby Update:

Sydney weighs 11lbs 7oz and is a straight 50th percentile baby.

Mom Update:

Feeling completely healed from a physical standpoint. Definitely still have crazy hormones going on due to nursing! I’m easing back into working out and strengthening the muscles that are all in different places since giving birth.


Sydney is doing great with nursing – she is an efficient nurser and doesn’t really take more than 15-20 minutes to eat. We haven’t offered her a bottle yet but I’m pumping before bed so I have a little bit of a stash.

I LOVE the pump I got this time around. My insurance provided a free breast pump with both kids and I got the Medela Pump in Style the first time around and rarely used it. I had to stay so close to a plug and make sure I was close enough to adjust the settings, no fun. So with Archer I ended up using this and this more. With Sydney I got the Spectra S9 – it’s portable and still super powerful. It’s easy to use and I can move around while using it!


Sydney is getting up twice a night (the occasional once a night…but it’s just a tease). Usually around 1am and 4am, I’m trying to just push that first one back. She is a big fan of the swaddle but is also a Houdini at getting out which is what wakes her sometimes.

What We Wear:

BABY: She is in 0-3 month clothes – they’re still a bit big for her but the newborn is definitely too small now. Oh and she wears a lot of bows if you haven’t noticed! These are my favorites right now. I’ve been loving H&M clothes for her because they allllll match each other without being too plain and neutral. She also wears a lot of bibs because she spits up so much, they usually only last a few minutes before being soaked but I feel like it’s worth it! We’re using these GreenSprouts bibs. They’re pretty absorbent and hold up to constant washing really well. I monogrammed them so if they stain it isn’t as noticeable…hopefully. We’re in size 1 diapers finally which means moving on up to Costco diapers!!!! whoop whoop!

MOM: I’m still in love with the Lululemon Align leggings but branched out and tried the Wunder Under and love those too.

Gear We Love:

I sold our old Skip Hop play gym because it was great but hard to store (apparently the key is to keep the bag it came in…that’s long gone). So I bought a wooden play gym off of Facebook (Kinda like this one) and I love that it can fold up or be put over her newborn lounger, bouncer, etc. (The other one has arches attached to the mat so it’s really limited.

We’re still a big fan of the Baby Bjorn bouncer as well! It’s easy to fold up and put to the side (can you tell I hate cumbersome baby gear?! It’s not home decor – if it’s not being used, away from my sight it goes!!)

The Toddler:

Archer is becoming both independent and also wants me always by his side. It’s about as convenient and enjoyable as it sounds. But in all honesty he’s a precious age, totally entertaining and communicating more and more. It’s a hoot to hear him talk about what’s going on and what he’s observing.

Managing the Two:

Archer is well familiar with the phrase “quick, grab me a burp rag!” and can find one anywhere, a skill that I’m sure will serve him well later in life. Archer actually got a cold this month and is pretty hit or miss with covering his mouth with a cough so that was a little touch and go trying to keep the two kids separate, she never got sick though!

Fun things that Happened:

We sent out Valentine’s card birth announcements since we skipped Christmas cards this year – they turned out precious!

We got to celebrate my sister and her husband – they’re having a baby boy in the next few weeks and Sydney will no longer be the youngest on my side, enjoy it while it lasts, kid.

Lessons I’ve Learned:

  • Staggered schedules are great – Sydney goes to bed about 30 minutes before Archer so I get some one on one time with each of them.
  • It is difficult to fit 2 boxes of Costco diapers in the cart when there is also a baby carseat in the cart.


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